
盖尔·毕比(Gayle Beebe)自2007年起担任韦斯特蒙特学院(Westmont College)院长. 他完成了博士学位.D.) 和 master’s in philosophy of religion 和 theology at Claremont Graduate University 和 also earned his MBA in strategic management from the Peter F. 克莱蒙特大学德鲁克管理学院. He received his master’s in divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary 和 earned his undergraduate degree from George Fox University in Oregon. 1980年秋天,他作为交换生在韦斯特蒙特大学度过了一个美好的学期. 

他是一位活跃的学者,撰写或编辑了许多书籍和文章,包括 塑造一个有效的领导者:领导力的八项形成原则渴慕神:基督徒奉献的七条道路他与理查德·福斯特(理查德•福斯特)合著了这本书. 他和帕姆结婚30年了, 和 they have three adult children: Anna ’15; Elizabeth ’17; 和 Ricky ’21. 


Eff马丁,私人投资者,Anthos Capital的创始合伙人. 他是Goldman, Sachs的前普通合伙人和常务董事 & Co. 他在投资银行业工作了32年,最后22年在高盛(Goldman Sachs)工作. He was one of the founders of the firm’s High Technology business 和 became a partner in 1988. He led Goldman Sachs’ coverage 和 notable transactions for many of the most prominent technology companies including Apple Computer, 思科系统公司, 惠普(hewlett - packard), 瞻博网络和微软.

He is deeply engaged in several areas of Christian spiritual formation ministries: discipling, 教导和领导男子团体的静修. 他和他的妻子, 帕蒂, are both involved with various aspects of spiritual formation including the Renovaré Institute, 马丁研究所, 和源泉.

Eff积极参与广泛的ag娱乐官网事务. He currently serves on the governing or advisory boards of Pepperdine University; the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy 研究; the San Francisco Symphony; Music@Menlo; the Greater Ravalli Foundation 和 马丁研究所. He is a past Chairman of the 董事会 of Menlo School 和 has also served on the boards of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, 胡佛研究所, 斯坦福大学体育, 帕洛阿尔托医学基金会和菲利普斯布鲁克斯学校.

他的兴趣包括圣经研究、音乐、高尔夫球、飞蝇钓鱼和户外活动. Eff和他的妻子帕蒂居住在加利福尼亚州的阿瑟顿. 他们有三个成年子女.


帕蒂·马丁 received a master's degree in Counseling Psychology 和 training in spiritual direction from 亚利桑那太平洋大学 as well as a certificate in spiritual formation through the Renovaré Institute. She is engaged in promoting spiritual growth through meeting with individuals 和 groups in the Menlo Park area. She has served on the 董事会 和 is a small group leader for the WellSpring organization, which offers various spiritual formation opportunities as well as SoulCare retreats for Bay Area pastors in 9-month cohorts. 她接受过依纳爵实践的领导培训, 并为几个小组提供了介绍或30周的静修.

She has taught numerous courses in spiritual formation based on the works of Dallas Willard, 理查德•福斯特, 还有其他作家. 帕蒂 is dedicated to Christian higher education 和 serves as a trustee at Westmont College. Another area of education she is involved in is the under-funded 和 under-resourced children at the elementary level in Redwood City, 加州.

Her interests include reading, golf, chamber music, cooking, interior design 和 travel. 她和丈夫Eff住在加利福尼亚州的阿瑟顿. 他们有三个成年子女.


Gary W. 月亮,米.Div. Ph.D. served as the founding Executive Director of 马丁研究所 和 Dallas Willard Center at Westmont College. He continues to serve as a Senior Fellow of 马丁研究所 和 Director of 谈长诗.


Gary also serves as Distinguished Professor of Psychology 和 Spiritual 形成 at 里奇蒙研究生院 in Atlanta. He served as the founding director of the Renovaré Institute for Christian Spiritual 形成 和 as a founding editor of the 对话》杂志

He writes in areas such as theoretical 和 practical integration of psychology 和 theology 和 has published 和 presented over 300 professional 和 popular papers. 他最近的著作包括: 《成为达拉斯·威拉德:一个哲学家、教师和基督追随者的形成 (IVP, 2018); 永生:对达拉斯·威拉德ag娱乐官网教义的反思 & 形成 (IVP, 2015)和 当耶稣的学徒 (巴克图书,2009). 其他书籍包括: 为神倾倒 (Shaw/R和omHouse, 2004) 精神指导和灵魂的关怀 (IVP, 2004), 想家的 伊甸园(仆人,1997)和四卷本的家庭奉献系列,《圣经》  (仆人和生命之泉). 

Gary has served as an instructor at the Fuller Graduate Schools of Theology 和 of Psychology, 以及厄斯金神学院的教职人员, 瑞金特大学, 里奇蒙研究生院, 亚利桑那太平洋大学, 和韦斯特蒙特学院.

加里在编辑委员会任职 心理学与基督教杂志 和 心理学与神学杂志,婚姻与家庭:基督教杂志. 与大卫·本纳和拉里·克拉布一起,加里创立了 对话》杂志

他的妻子是Regina,他们有两个女儿,Jessica Erin和Jenna rebecca.


在伦敦从事商业出版工作期间, 詹姆斯Catford published a number of global leaders as well as the adult works of CS Lewis. During his fourteen years leading the British Bible Society he set up a think tank on public Christianity called Theos. 我是中国的常客, 他曾担任Amity印刷公司副主席十年, 世界上最大的圣经供应商. 直到最近,他还是英国历史第三悠久的出版社(1698年成立)的董事长.

今天, James supports Christians in leadership around the world as Global Ambassador for American Bible Society 和 he chairs the newly established Center for Christianity 和 Public Life in Washington D. C.

他是复兴部的前主席, James now serves on the board of 马丁研究所 at Westmont 和 chairs the Cultura initiative for emerging leaders. He is also a member of the 达拉斯威拉德研究中心 advisory board 和 is a judge for the annual Dallas Willard Book Award.  

詹姆斯和他的妻子苏住在伦敦, 曾为BBC工作的前电视新闻记者和主播. 


马克·纳尔逊博士.D. is the Monroe professor of philosophy 和 facilitates reSearch on Christian spiritual formation of The 达拉斯威拉德研究中心. 马克在芝加哥附近长大, 他毕业于惠顿学院,获得哲学学位, 和 earned a master’s degree 和 doctorate in philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. 在2006年来到韦斯特蒙特之前,他曾在英国利兹大学任教. 他研究伦理学、认识论和宗教哲学.



史蒂夫·L. Porter is Senior 研究 Fellow 和 Executive Director of 马丁研究所 for Christianity & 韦斯特蒙特学院的文化. Steve remains an affiliate Professor of Theology 和 Spiritual 形成 at the Institute for Spiritual 形成 和 Rosemead School of Psychology (Biola University). 史蒂夫获得了博士学位.D. 在达拉斯威拉德(Dallas Willard)和M.菲尔。. 在牛津大学攻读哲学神学.

史蒂夫教授并撰写基督教精神培育方面的文章, 成圣的教义, 心理学与神学的结合, 哲学神学. 史蒂夫是对话中的心理学和精神形成(IVP)的合编人。, 神经科学与灵魂(Eerdmans), 和 Until Christ is Formed in You: Dallas Willard 和 Spiritual 形成 (ACU Press) as well as authoring other books 和 articles. 史蒂夫还担任精神形成和灵魂护理杂志的编辑. 史蒂夫和他的妻子艾丽西亚结婚了,他们有两个孩子,卢克和锡耶纳.

Andrea Gurney摄

Andrea Gurney是一位执业临床心理学家、教授和作家. 自2005年以来,她一直在韦斯特蒙特学院任教, 教授高年级课程,如 临床心理学, 生命的发展, 变态心理学, 婚姻家庭心理学“,, 以及凯普斯通心理学高级实习.

Andrea有一个 临床实践 她在圣巴巴拉市中心专门从事夫妻和家庭治疗. 除了与个人,夫妻和家庭合作,她的演讲和 写作 关注关系健康和身心健康. 她的第一本书, Reimagining Your Love Story: Biblical 和 Psychological Practices for Healthy Relationships 是她在线课程的基础, 婚姻训练营.

Andrea经常在当地ag娱乐官网发表演讲,话题从 为爱而生:早期依恋的重要性, 婚姻:在你购买或接受戒指之前你应该知道的事情, 心理学和爱情有什么关系?《ag娱乐官网》, 建立儿童和青少年的复原力,帮助儿童应对创伤. 另外, Andrea is an active member of Santa Barbara Psychological Association 和 Santa Barbara Response Network. She is trained in Psychological First Aid (PFA) 和 has led trauma processing groups in response to local tragedies over the past fifteen years.

安德里亚获得了博士学位.D. 在波士顿东北大学咨询心理学硕士.S. 在宾夕法尼亚大学获得心理服务学士学位.A. 惠顿学院心理学博士. She completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Couples 和 Family Counseling 和 a Pre-Doctoral Internship in Individual Therapy at Harvard Medical School. 她在哈佛附属波士顿儿童医院工作了八年, 她在那里接受了发展和临床心理学专家的培训. 

安德里亚和丈夫以及两个女儿住在圣巴巴拉, 在业余时间,她喜欢旅行, 在户外玩耍, 与家人和朋友共度时光.